Saturday, November 27, 2010

Houston We Have A Progesterone Problem

For the past few days I have been feeling happy and hopeful. Each day I have taken the good old HPT and the line is gradually darker. Then disaster struck. I was getting ready to go into the Radio City Rockettes show with my family (which was fabulous) when I got a call from CCRM saying my progesterone was too low. I had it tested a day before my beta because I was having trouble getting stat results so my nurse and I decided I should do it a day early. Anyway it was 5.2. She said they like it above 6 so I need to take 4 Endometrium. Ok I thought no big deal.

As I am putting in the 4th and final endometrium for the night I notice TMI bright red blood on the insert. Not good! So then I begin researching on the internet (not a good thing to do) and find that AF shows up when progesterone is between 2-4. So now I am really worried because I am almost at 4!

I woke up this morning and more of the same on the insert and when I went to the bathroom. It seems to have changed colors now to TMI brownish. I don't think this is a good sign.

I did my beta, progesterone and estradiol this morning and am awaiting the results. I don't really know what to think. I've called the emergency line and am waiting for a call back to see if I can also take progesterone in oil. I have some handy in the house. It's so frustrating because things were going so well and then this! I am expecting the worse, but I am hoping for the best.


  1. Running_girl...please read my posts from November 17th and on. I am battling drastic p4 drops too. If I was you, I'd ask for an increased dosage of estrace (or if not on estrace as for it as it may help to balance the spotting) and for Progesterone in Oil intramuscular injections. I read that you have PIO on hand...would not hurt to take at least 1cc every other day starting now. Scary as heck I know. But I JUST had a fantastic ultrasound yesterday and all was well. Take care.

  2. Lisa, thanks I am on estrace twice daily and will discuss your pio regiment with them tomorrow or Monday. It is so scary! Congrats on your awesome ultrasound!
