Saturday, December 11, 2010

Not Active Girl

During this process I have gone from running girl, to walking girl, to not active girl. This morning running guy left for spin class. A good sweat sounded like fun. I hate spin class all throughout it and can't wait to get off the bike, but when I am done the feeling is awesome. Such a good workout. I'm waiting until after an ultrasound or two to resume activity. I'm picturing myself as walking girl, prenatal yoga girl, or aqua aerobics girl. Anything will be nice.

I'm already planning for my next marathon. It's going to be tight to get one in in 2011 (my goal is to run one a year until I'm sixty), but I think I can pull it off. Granted my time is not going to be good, but I think I will be able to finish it. My eyes are set on the Las Vegas Marathon in December 2011. I'm already starting to talk about it now, so I am mentally prepared for the challenges that will face me. I have told running guy my plan and he thinks it is doable, but it will takes some coordination and planning on both of our parts. We will have to see how next year unfolds....


  1. I have never ran a marathon...maybe just maybe MIGHT one day run a half. But I haven't step foot in the gym since October 30th...just hours before my Nov. 1st transfer. I had my second u/s yesterday and all is PERFECT but its a chore for me to just get groceries or laundry!! This pg stuff is exhausting!! But I start holidays on the 17th and I am hoping to gently ease into the stairmaster for a moderate work out pending doc's approval. So yeah...another inactive girl over here too!! Whatever...once this baby is out...this body will be mine again!!

  2. OH and kudos to you to run a marathon next December!! Good for you!!

  3. I am a walking girl for now. I headed back to the gym after two u/s but then had bright red bleeding and a tear is seen. So now I'm afraid to do anything more (for now).

    A marathon a year! Wow! And only a few months after baby... very impressive. I've run one marathon 7 years ago and it was tough (although I am not a regular runner like you). Good luck!

  4. I love spin class! I haven't run a marathon but I know how frustrating it is not to be able to work up a good sweat. Hang in there!

  5. A marathon?! You are awesome! Best of luck with your upcoming u/s!!!
