Monday, December 6, 2010

Be Anxious About Nothing

I find myself saying Phillippians 4:6 at various times in my head during this entire process. The verse says: "Do not be anxious about anything but in everything by prayer and petition with thanksgiving present your request to GOD. And the peace of GOD which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and mind in CHRIST JESUS.". It's so hard not to be anxious in the process. There are days when I don't feel pregnant. There are days when I'm afraid that maybe I'm having a miscarriage. There are days like today when everything is going great and then that horrible thing called spotting occurs. So scary. My progesterone came back low again. It's at 5.3. My estradiol dropped into the 1,000s. All of the numbers are still in the normal range but the progesterone is low. Don't be anxious...

So tonight I am switching to taking my estrace orally. Apparently they think that my who ha is being overloaded with stuff and is not absorbing things the way it should. Hence why I am taking the estrace orally now rather than vaginally. We will retest on Wednesday. I'm hoping everything is okay.

I just have to remember not to be anxious about anything even when that seems impossible and pray for peace otherwise this is going to be a long nine months!


  1. Running girl...ask for Progesterone in Oil. It works WAY better in my opinion. I think your spotting is due to your hormone fluctuations...just read my gong show posts from the last two weeks. Hang tight but I just think all these suppositories suck!! Good luck.

  2. That is a great verse, although I know that this wait must be excruciating. You had great betas, which tells me something is thriving in there! Hope the spotting ceases and that the best day of your life occurs next Tuesday!!!
