Tuesday, September 21, 2010

CCRM Day 7 - Game Day Results

When I was running the Disney Marathon and trying to qualify for the Boston Marathon, I wasn't sure if I had qualified until about an hour or so after the race. The race time clock starts when the first corral goes out, and I wasn't in the first corral. Also, I started my watch too early, so when I crossed the line I knew that I was close, but not 100% sure I qualified. I found out that I had just squeaked by with a time of 3:39:54. My qualifying needed to be 3:40 or better with a 59 second grace period.

That's a little bit how I feel about today's egg retrieval. I kind of know my results, but I won't know anything firm until tomorrow. Dr. G did my retrieval and he got 26 eggs. That's my most ever. From past experience though, I know that regardless the amount that's retrieved usually only 15 or 16 are mature and usually almost all of them fertilize. Hopefully, I will get at least 15 or 16 and then half will make it to blasts and then half will be genetically normal.

CCRM is so professional. I was so impressed with how smoothly things ran. We were there from 10:00-12:30 and every t was crossed and every i was dotted. Running guy headed back this afternoon and I head back in the morning. Looking forward to hearing my game day results tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. That is a great number of eggs retrieved--congrats! I hope the lab works their magic and gives you a fert report beyond your expectations today! Safe travels to your DH and you!
