Thursday, August 5, 2010

My Blog Begins

Ten years ago I would have never imagined that I would start a blog (were there even blogs ten years ago), run a marathon, or be childless. But look at me now, I have a blog - a pretty big deal for someone who is a very private person - although this is anonymous so I'm not sure this is a really big step. I've completed 3 half marathons and 3 full marathons - shocking to most people considering my cross country adventure in sixth grade did not turn out so hot and I hated long distance running. And the childless thing - probably the most shocking - who would think after ten years of marriage I would still not have a precious child.

Here I am though, making my very first post on my blog. Next month I travel to CCRM to start IVF #4 to work on the childless thing. I'm hoping and praying that CCRM does the trick. CCRM has a magical lab. They work miracles where miracles have not been worked before. I am totally drunk on the CCRM Kool -AId - which makes me a little bit nervous because if it doesn't work I will be devastated! The other clinics I've been to have been good, but I never got my hopes up - except for IVF #1. When IVF #1 didn't work, I really never got my hopes too high again.

My husband and I are special cases. He has no issues whatsoever. I don't ovulate on my own, but I ovulate just fine when given fertility drugs. I have hypothyroidism (super weird since I have always been a pound or two underweight) but am on medication for it. One doctor said that I had natural killer cells (I'm not sure if this is real or not). Other than that, I'm fine. We produce lots of nice embryos that look fantastic, and then they just don't stick! So frustrating! I'm hoping that next month is different and my cycle in Colorado turn out differently.


  1. Hi there! I added your blog to my CCRM blog roll. You're obviously a highly motivated woman, running such long distances, and I greatly admire your work ethic! I hope that CCRM will help you to achieve that baby mama label ASAP! : )

  2. Running_girl, it's Sara....I love your blog and Auntiems too!! Here is the link to my blog I started in April!! I only made one posting, but am thinking about making more!! I used to write in my journal all the time...this is sort of like that!! Thank you for being such a good friend to me and guiding me through this crazy journey!!

  3. Thanks Auntiem! Sara, I'm so glad we met! You are such an awesome friend!
