Monday, November 1, 2010

Being Pollyanna

Remember that good old Disney movie Pollyanna about the little girl who was always positive and bringing sunshine to negative situations. Even when she was severely injured (I think she fell off a house or something), she remained positive and hopeful. I think that I started out this process as Pollyanna, but after ivf failure #1 I became increasingly more pessimistic. It just seemed like my odds were against me and nothing was working. It's also easier to be Negative Nancy than Pollyanna because then you don't have your hopes up as much.

I am making a concerted effort this go round to be more Pollyanna like. It isn't going to do me any good to be negative. It's really a hard balance though. I don't feel like I can totally buy into things because then I will be beyond disappointed if it doesn't work. At the same time, I need to be positive in order to create a more welcoming environment for the embryos.

So for these next three weeks, I am going to channel Pollyanna. I'm sure I'm going to fall off the Pollyanna wagon along the way, but at least it's better than being Negative Nancy.

1 comment:

  1. I know trying to stay positive is difficult. I'm getting ready for IVF #3 with CCRM. But, just think about those great embies that are waiting for you. I know this cycle will be the one! Good luck!
